Calls To Action Accountability: A Status Update On Reconciliation
Dr. Eva Jewell and Dr. Ian Mosby take a critical look at Canada’s progress to date on implementing the Calls to Action recommended in the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
While politicians may paint our efforts at reconciliation is a positve light, this academic analysis does not reflect this view. We can do better and must approach this with the sense of urgency required.
“As Dr. Cindy Blackstock has stated, “In 2020, it is time to stop feeding the government’s insatiable appetite to be thanked for its inadequate measures and to demand a complete end to the inequality”.
We have also operated from the assumption that completing any particular Call to Action cannot be solely determined by gestures of process, budgetary promises, or otherwise “recognition of concerns” on the part of Crown-Indigenous Relations (CIR). Rather, we have judged their status based on whether or not specific actions have been taken that are capable of producing the kinds of clear, meaningful, structural changes necessary to improve the lives of Indigenous peoples throughout Canada. ” Yellowhead Institute
You can read about the metrics that the researchers used in making their determination in the article online as well as by downloading trc-status-update-2019-brief.