The event to open the Art Show “Celebrating First Peoples” was well attended. A few of the artists whose work is on display were front and centre to hear from Chief Knott who was the guest speaker.
Chief Keith Knott is a terrific storyteller. His warm engaging style, lightened by humour and a humble approach, had those present eager to hear what he had to share. Chief Knott spoke about the long history of creative, contributing individuals who were the First People of Turtle Island and how that legacy continues today.
He spoke about his journey within his community of Curve Lake First Nation and how he has served over the years. He spoke personally about the ups and downs of his life and how at 86 years of age he has renewed vigor and energy to contribute to his work as Chief.
Chief Knott talked about the complicated and often unjust relationship with the Government of Canada. He gave a brief introduction to the clan system of governance and how it worked in harmony within the community. He spoke about the complexities of finding a good path forward. His final message was a positive one, however, of taking the steps forward no matter how big or small. His tone was reassuring that each step forward counted toward a better outcome.
The show continues until the end of September. Please come and see the work of 18 artists.