A great day out on Buckhorn Lake learning about manoomin from Caleb Musgrave and honouring it with guidance from elder Shirley Williams and Liz Osawamick. Thanks to Community Voices for Manoomin (CVFM) for organizing this ceremonial day.

CVFM’s 1st Ceremonial Paddle for the Manoomin in 2020. There will be other ceremonies for the Manoomin at later stages of development but today was a lovely day on the lake among the Manoomin in its ribbon stage and the water lilies in bloom.

“Great to have Caleb Musgrave with us to deepen our knowledge, and a beautiful ceremony, as always, led by Shirley & Liz followed by a delicious feast.” – Sherry Hillman TRC- Bobcaygeon

Several members of the Truth and Reconciliation Community Bobcaygeon participated in this paddle.