The show “Celebrating First Nations” is up and running at the Art Gallery at the Boyd Museum and current library location on Canal Street in Bobcaygeon. The first day – September 6th – found several visitors through to look at the work. Those who have had a connection to Bobcaygeon for a number of years had stories to tell of visits to the Whetung Gallery at Curve Lake First Nation and of artists and others individuals from the Curve Lake community that they have known over the years.

Tomorrow at 5:30 there will be an official opening event with guest speaker, Chief Knott from Curve Lake First Nation. Chief Knott is a well-known figure in leadership roles in his community. He has been deeply involved long enough to understand the needs of his community, to have a strong sense of purpose and a vision for the future. He will be speaking to us from the heart about what matters most right now.

This kind of immediate message from someone with a depth of knowledge and experience speaks to so many of us on multiple levels. I am sure that we will learn so much and yet still be left eager to learn more.

I asked a number of people today what they are curious about that Chief Knott could shed some light on about his role and  about his community. The questions flowed. So many questions that I needed a couple of pages to capture them all. One person had a different take and had no direct questions just an openness to listening and learning. How refreshing!

We hope that Chief Knott enjoys seeing the show and we look forward to the insights and inspiration he will undoubtably share.

Come and join us in the Art Gallery at the Boyd Museum on Canal Street at 5:30. There will be snacks.