Are you a Settler or Newcomer and want to participate in actions toward Reconciliation but don’t know where to begin?

We made this Infographic with a few ideas for you. Pick one that resonates and just begin. Once you get started other resources and ideas will come to you. Just by sharing with others how you are participating will generate new conversations and new inspiration.
The jpeg to the left is not clickable. However the links in the pdf below are all live and take you to where you want to go.
At a site dedicated to the movie version of Indian Horse, they created 150 positive ways to participate in Reconciliation.
… every individual in Canada needs to educate themselves and actively seek opportunities to learn. All of us in Canada — Indigenous and non-Indigenous — have a role to play in Reconciliation.
Reconcili-ACTION happens one step at the time and each of the #Next150 challenges will give you a clear idea of what your next step can be.