Items of Interest

Language of Reconciliation

Language of Reconciliation

Sharing the Language of Reconciliation document that was used at our August 21st community workshop. Language of Reconciliation ( PDF document ) Indian Act information ( CBC)   The Language of Reconciliation: Elders' Circle from Reconciliation Canada on Vimeo.

Remembering MMIWG: REDress Project

Remembering MMIWG: REDress Project

The REDress Project was originally an art installation by Jaime Black in 2012 in which she collected and displayed a collection of red dresses to focus attention on the staggering number of murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls in Canada. Red dresses...



This painting by Norval Morrisseau is from the private collection of Linda Lundstrom. Purchased by Olive Lundström, in 1966 or 1967. Norval would visit her Cochenour Fabric Centre with his paintings rolled up under his arm. As a child, Linda remembers him vividly....



Petroglyphs Provincial Park is a historical-class provincial park situated in Woodview, Ontario, Canada, northeast of Peterborough. It has the largest collection of ancient First Nations petroglyphs (rock carvings) in...

The Seven Grandfather Teachings

The Seven Grandfather Teachings

Excerpt from The Seven Grandfather Teachings are a set of traditional teachings that have been passed down from generation to generation. The seven teachings have been given to the Anishinaabe people to guide them in living a good life, living without...



Malinda Gray,  PhD Candidate and dedicated beader shares her Masters thesis on the importance of Beadwork. The following selected excerpts give just a taste of the role beads play. Images are posted with permission from Beautiful Star Beads, featuring Malinda's work...

Hard Conversations

Hard Conversations

Canadians need to stay in the conversation around justice and reconciliation. Specifically settler society needs to either begin these conversations in their circles or start asking the hard questions. Few people enjoy risking the possibility of conflict or...

Quiz from Curve Lake First Nations

Quiz from Curve Lake First Nations

If you live in Michi Saagiig Territory, you may be close to the community of Curve Lake. This quiz was put together a few years ago. There are many facts on here that may surprise you.