A group of us were fortunate to get out for teachings on the land with Beedahbin Peltier (indigenize.ca). We were looking at plants that we could harvest for seeds.  Beedahbin is a Professor, Indigenous Perspectives – Fleming College but so much more. At every turn Beedahin shared the living aspects of the language (Anishinaabemowin) and how the plants have so much to teach us.  Indigenous ways of knowing were woven through the time that we spent together – we learned about the importance of our relationships with all living entities – our relationships to the air, water, plants, animals, our family members and community. 

We were introduced to plants that we have seen daily in a new way. Understanding the gifts that they have to offer for healing and improving life was great fun. This body of scientific knowledge is being recognized more and more as having a place right alongside the Western ways of approaching science.

Since Beedahbin’s young son was with us we could see how these teachings begin at a tender age to create good relationships with all things. You can hear some of Beedahbin’s approach and worldview in the interview below.