Settlers may be invited to participate in a Smudging Ceremony at the beginning of a workshop, a Talking Circle or some other event. Here is some information in case you have this opportunity.

The following excerpt is from

(Although some information on ceremonies cannot be discussed, the following information was used from the website which was produced by the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, Anishinaabemowin Program – Kenny Pheasant, Director.)

 Smudge – Nookweziganoon

The smudging ceremony is a purification ceremony. Any one of the four sacred medicines can be used. Sometimes all of the sacred medicines are used. The most common one is mashkodewashk, otherwise known as sage in English. Some pipe carriers and elders recommend that when people refer to these medicines, it should be in Anishinaabemowin. These medicines are picked from Mother Earth just for the purpose of purification.

The four sacred medicines are asemaa (tobacco), wiingashk (sweetgrass), mashkodewashk (sage) and giishkaandag (cedar).

The smudging ceremony can take place anytime, usually before a meeting or Grand Entry at Jiingtamok (pow wow). ..

The sacred medicine is lit, and some use matches instead of a lighter. Some actually use wood from a sacred fire. The smoke from the sacred medicine purifies the mind, body and spirit…

Most people who smudge use a shell as a container, and usually eagle feathers are used to fan the medicines. If a person does not have eagle feathers, then other feathers are used, such as hawk feathers. The ashes that are left should not be thrown away, but scattered by the entrance at the door to symbolize that bad thoughts, words and feelings are not welcome inside.

Excerpt from a Settler account of attending a Smudge.

Native elders have taught us that before a person can be healed one must be cleansed of any bad feelings, negative thoughts, bad spirits or negative energy – cleansed both physically and spiritually. This helps the healing to come through in a clear way, without being distorted or sidetracked by negative “stuff”. The elders say that all ceremonies, tribal or private, must be entered into with a good heart so that we can pray, sing, and walk in a sacred manner, and be helped by the spirits to enter the sacred realm. It is customary to remove any metal, rings, watches, glasses, etc. prior to the use of smudge.

What Happens During A Smudge ?

To do a smudging ceremony; burn Sage, Sweetgrass or  Cedar (dried), rub your hands in the smoke and then gather the smoke and bring it into your body…

Prior to the smudge I was told to focus my attention on prayer, aligning myself with whatever positive force or consciousness that I wanted to bring into my life …

Why Do We Smudge These Areas Of The Body ?

We cleanse our heart – to cleanse it of resentment and ill will, and to open it to compassion.

We cleanse our mouth – so that what we will speak be truthful and honest and said in a caring manner.

We cleanse our eyes – so that they will see that Truth in the world, the beauty of Mother Earth, and the gifts of the Creator.

We cleanse our ears – so that we will clearly hear the messages of others and understand the truth.

We cleanse the small of our back – so that we will release anger gathered there, opening ourselves to positive energy.

We cleanse our feet – so that we will walk the Truth Path, walking with close friends and families, easily allowing us flee our enemies with ease.