Two Row Wampum

Glenna Burns

In 1613 the Two Row Wampum belt was created to signify an agreement. The Haudenosaunee and the Dutch government worked out how they would treat each other and live together on Turtle Island (North America). 

In one row (of the Two Row Wampum belt) is a ship with our White Brothers (Dutch) ways; in the other a canoe with our (Haudenosaunee) ways. Each will travel down the river of life side by side. Neither will attempt to steer the other’s vessel.” – From Onondaga Nation, People of the Hills.

The principles of Friendship, Peace and Forever were the key criteria of this treaty and all other treaties to follow from the perspective of Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island. The white and purple wampum shells used by the Haudenosaunee to create the Two Row Wampum belt sealed the agreement and those principles. The understanding was that each nation would respect the ways of the other. This agreement would be in place to the end of time. 

The Two Row Wampum treaty is a living treaty. It is as relevant to Indigenous communities today as it was in 1613 to the Haudenosaunee. 

The Treaty premise to honour and respect First Nations traditions and cultures has been grossly violated many times over by encroaching populations to Turtle Island.

The time has come to recognize and honour the principles of the Two Row Wampum Treaty. We are all people of this Treaty and every other treaty that has followed over the centuries.