Protocols & Etiquette

Indigenous studies is such a massive subject. In addition to revisiting history to have a better idea of what factors are still impacting us today, there are some information that you might find helpful to know.

Here is some help you if you wish to actively engage in reconciliation.

This sort of information is also of value for any culturally-literate person to have.  Reconciliation is about relationships and actions to back up what you say especially in terms of reparations.

Here are some topics that we give you references for in the sections below:

Engaging Elders

Protocols are not just “manners” or “rules” – they are a representation of a culture’s deeply held ethical system. They also have highly practical applications that may have arisen in a pre-contact context but still apply today.  

Pow Wow Etiquette


Yes – you are most welcome to attend a Pow Wow. Since there are ceremonial aspects to this event it is helpful to be familiar with Pow Wow etiquette.

Ceremony Protocols


Before you attend an event, like a Water Walk,  ask if this is a ceremony. There are folks that will help you to understand what is proper protocol. The host of  the event is a good place to start. In the Kawartha’s the Curve Lake Cutural Centre is there to help. 

Land Acknowledgement

Land Acknowledgement can be a hollow act, a superficial token or a meaningful reminder if done from a genuine place of gratitude and caring. Many articles focus on the content of the Acknowledgement. The intent behind the words and the heartfelt connection to what is being said is the most important aspect and the place from which to begin formulating what you wish to say.